A great blogger I know used to regularly post these confessional statements. I loved the feeling of reading someone's secrets, especially when it is the stuff we usually like to hide from others.
Here are a few of mine:
1. I got approved for a credit card after being without one for awhile (because blah, blah alcoholism, separation, bankruptcy) but it took over a month for the card to arrive at my home. It felt like forever because I could not wait to buy things to get that happy feeling that comes from, well, buying stuff.
2. I told my children about an upcoming plan to send them to my parents for a few nights to give me a break and they cried. I felt awful. I caved to bribery. I promised them new toys. And chocolate cake. And fun times. And maybe some other things that I do not recall.
3. I kept putting off getting my car serviced because of financial reasons and then one sleepless night it hit me: I had not changed the motor oil in FOREVER! The next chance I got I checked it.....no oil on the stick at all!! That sucker needed two bottles of oil. Also, I had to check the manual to figure out how to a) pop open the engine compartment thingy (edit: turns out its called a hood) and b) find where the oil goes in.